

I am a young goal-driven and assiduous African girl born into family working in accordance with religious beliefs, I personally cling steadfastly on the belief that in life, having the ability to stand up for what you believe in, against all odds, is influential in steering your purpose of existence. This, irrespective of its unfairness, helped hone my insatiable desire to fight, in whatever way I can, to help create an equal platform for all persons. From all respective angles, I believe that my  purpose and calling is to stand out for the truth and be a warrior fighting for justice, but one committed to achieve this by treading the fine line explicitly drawn out by legal doctrines an principles. Thus, my belief and commitment in starting the TALK TO ME show.
Talk to me is a program I created hosting a panel to discuss issues of children and female abuse. As part of the program, I advised young girls in abusive relationships as well as promote female child empowerment. Interacting with people, allowing them to send in love quotes from their hearts to loved ones, celebrating people and promoting relationships, mental health issues, education, people battling with decision making, identifying your career path, feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. Battling with social problems, alcohol, drug abuse and domestic violence. With talk to me, we try to create solutions to every problem or minimise the risk of it resulting into danger.
I have always been privileged to be in the position where I have to speak up and defend either my mates or someone I feel is being prejudiced and mistreated as a result of their abilities, social class and their orientation.

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